How to apply ?

The information will announce on the Office of Academic Affairs and each of the department's websites. 
The website link shown below could help you get more information. 
  1. Office of Academic:  Affairs  https://aca.tmu.edu.tw/front/AdmissionDivision/AdmissionDivision_1/news.php?ID=dG11X2FjYSZBZG1pc3Npb25EaXZpc2lvbl8x
  2. Graduate Institute of Humanities in Medicine:  http://medhuman.tmu.edu.tw/
  3. Graduate Institute of Health and Biotechnology Law / Professional Master Program in Health and Biotechnology Law:   http://medlaw.tmu.edu.tw/
  4. Graduate Institute of Mind, Brain & Consciousness / Ph.D. Program in Neuroscience of Cognition and Consciousness : http://gimbc.tmu.edu.tw/index.php?action=about